Where's Rudolph Hunt on Etsy...Going on Now thru Friday Dec 11

Hurry Don't delay... Rudolph is hiding in 18 shoppes on Etsy. Get Hunt Details and Start all the  in the OOTBS shop HERE.
 You will be looking in each shoppe for this graphic...JUST So you Know...
Your search will lead you thru 1 shoppes and end the end you have the chance to be the winner of one of 2 $100.00 price bundles.
Hurry you only have until 12:00 (est) on December 11 to get your list in to the email at your last shoppe. Instructions will be given to you there. Have fun!!!
Shweet Sandi

Start your Holiday Shopping NOW

Looking for some unique gifts to go under the tree this year? Maybe you celebrate a different way...Here are some fun and really unique items from the Handmade and Heartfelt Artists Team on Etsy. You can find more from our team by searching using the tag TeamHAHA

PrimThis the newest Original Marketplace to Hit the Web

Come by and check out the newest Prim Marketplace that opened up.You do not have to be Primitive to sell or to purchase there. Here are just a few of the items that are for sale in PrimThis

If you sell Bath and Body, Candles. Prim Graphis and more Please come check us out.
We are one of a  kind Marketplace in there is NO COST to list in the Marketplace YOU pay commission on your sales. Perfect set up! Come visit and consider joining PRIMTHIS!

Fall Celebration and Celebration with TeamHAHA

Handmade and Heartfelt Artists or TeamHAHA is holding our
 Fall Celebration and Celebration
October -
Find us on Etsy by searching  FCCTeamHAHA

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